English Riviera | Devon
Unfortunately, we cannot do anything about a nuisance unless you can identify where it is coming from, please provide as much information as you can about the source of the nuisance.
Download a diary to complete here Nuisance Diary.
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The Community Safety team do not routinely launch an investigation into every report which is made to them. Each case is assessed and prioritised based on a range of risk factors, so that resources are directly at the highest areas of risk. However, we do monitor all information given to us and use it to inform the wider concerns which may exist. Please download an action diary form. Diary sheets are used to evidence the nuisance you are experiencing. It is very important that you complete your diary sheets thoroughly to ensure that we know exactly what has been happening. Without this level of information, it is impossible for take further action. Please return the completed sheets within a couple of week. If we do not receive completed diary sheets, we will assume that the nuisance has stopped.