English Riviera | Devon
Use this form to tell us what changes you would like
If you have received a final notice or court summons you can't make any changes to how or when you pay your bill. You should read the information on Behind or struggling with your payments.
As you can’t clear all the council tax you owe by 31 March 2024, you can ask us to make an arrangement. You can do this by completing a financial assessment form
If you are currently paying by Direct Debit this will be cancelled in order to set up the new payments.
Please complete the following form.
Please enter a valid email address or leave blank if you do not have an email address
The information you have provided on this form will be used to deal with your request by the relevant department. We may pass your details on to contracted third party service providers. We will store a copy of your completed request as a backup for 12 months.
If you would like to know more about how we use your information and how you can exercise your information rights please see our privacy notice.
If you fail to keep to this new payment plan, recovery action may be taken against you.