I understand and delcare that:
My business meets the following criteria as my business occupies:
- One property and the rateable value is less than £15,000
- Two properties where the rateable value of one is below £15,000 and the other one is below £2900. The relief is awarded to the one with the higher rateable value.
- More than two properties, the rateable value of one is below £15,000 and all the other properties have rateable values below £2900. The total rateable values of all properties must be below £20,000. The relief is awarded to the one with the highest rateable value.
My business receives 100% relief if the property has a rateable value of £12,000 or less. This gradually reduces from 100% to 0% for properties with a rateable value of between £12,001 and £15,000.
- That the information I have provided will be used to amend my Business Rates account
- If I give information that is incorrect or incomplete, you may take legal action against me, which can lead to prosecution
- You may check some of the information with other sources as allowed by the law
- I have read, or had read to me, and understand the information on this form
I confirm that all properties listed above are the only business premises in England occupied by the business.