To apply for free school meals for your child(ren) fill in the form below.

Data Protection

Which benefit do you receive? (Please tick all that apply)

Please note:

  • Contributions Based Employment & Support Allowance, contributions based Jobseekers Allowance and Working Tax Credit do not qualify
  • Please note - if you are in receipt of any Working Tax Credit you will not be eligible to apply for free school meals
  • Children who receive any of the above benefits in their own right are also eligible to receive free school meals

Details about you and your partner (if both living at the same address)

Your details

Please enter a valid National Insurance number - this should be in the format AA123456C

Your partner's details

Please enter a valid National Insurance number - this should be in the format AA123456C

Your contact details

Details about your child(ren)

Please include details of the children for whom you receive Child Benefit that attend a school in Torbay.
First child
Second child
Third child

Data Protection

The information you have provided on this form will be used to deal with your request by the relevant department. We may pass your details on to contracted third party service providers. We will store a copy of your completed request as a backup for 12 months.

If you would like to know more about how we use your information and how you can exercise your information rights please see our privacy notice.


I wish Torbay Council to be able to assess my claim in future via a secure computer link with the Department for Education. I agree that you will use the information I have provided to process my claim for free school lunches and will contact other sources as allowed by law to verify my initial, and ongoing, entitlement to free school lunches.

I confirm that as far as I know the information I have given above is correct. I will tell you immediately if my details above or circumstances change or benefit entitlements end. I understand that I will be liable for any costs incurred in providing free school meals for my child(ren), should I fail to inform the school of the changes/termination of my benefit.

By submitting this form I also confirm I have parental responsibility for the child(ren) named above so are entitled to claim free school meals for this child(ren).

Notification regarding this application may be sent via email, however to do so we require your consent. By ticking the box on the online application form and providing an email address we may correspond by email. Alternatively we will contact you by phone or by post.