
Statements of Heritage Significance are required for applications for Planning Permission, Listed Building Consent and Advertisement Consent affecting heritage assets.

This template can be used to assess the significance of your site and/or building. Not all sections will be relevant. Where they are, they should be completed to a level of detail appropriate to the importance of the heritage asset and enough to demonstrate the potential impact of the proposal on its significance.

Please note, this template should be the starting point for the assessment of significance, and should be accompanied by additional reports, studies, historic information, photographs and any other information where relevant.

For minor proposals, the information can be as little as a short paragraph and can be included instead as part of a Design and Access Statement, although we recommend you follow the sequence of questions below.

Larger proposals affecting more significant heritage assets, such as a housing development affecting a conservation area, alterations to a Grade I or II* listed building or development affecting a scheduled ancient monument or historic park, more research and detailed explanation will be required.

Applications will not be validated where the extent of the impact of the proposal on the significance of any heritage assets affected cannot be adequately understood from the application and supporting documents.

At the end of the form you will be able to upload any supporting documents that are required